Monday, November 17, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Epson Artisan 800 Photo Printer Giveaway
Update: TWO GIVEAWAYS!! I found that Blissfully Domestic is also offering this as a giveaway on their site. Their drawing ends at midnight on Sunday, November 16. Both links are listed below. PLEASE NOTE that this is updated information. I previously indicated that this drawing ends on Monday.
This printer has so many features, I can really say that this may be the best thing since sliced bread.
I do a number of assorted jobs from my home. This printer would certainly be a great asset to have. I do some graphic work, including flyers and business cards, as well as work for attorneys and realtors. Having the ability to scan (high resolution) and fax (black AND color) in the same machine is fantastic.
I sell CDs in craft shops. Right now I can print to CDs and DVDs using LightScribe technology but am limited because I can't get the bright colors I would like have to display a realistic sample on the CDs. This printer will allow you to print CDs/DVDs with a professional quality in vibrant color.
When you print on photo paper, you will create smudge, scratch, water and fade resistant photos. You'll also have photos that stand up to humidity, moisture and spills. You can even load paper as small as 4" x 6" so they are ready to put in your albums or send photos to friends and family.
Wi-Fi® & Ethernet networking makes it easy for the entire family to use this printer using both wired and wireless networking!
This all-in-one printer scans up to 4800 dpi, faxes and prints. It is also a very fast printer which can print up to 38 ppm black and color and photos in as fast as 10 seconds! Talk about high quality resolution, you can print up to 9600 x 9600 dpi!
The printer has a 3.5” tilt LCD touch screen that makes it easy to view, crop, and edit your photos.
If you want to print from your camera or cell phone, it is possible with the built-in PictBridge port. If you want to print from your memory card, it accommodates over 2 DOZEN different types of cards!
This printer uses the Claria Hi-Definition Ink which is a revolutionary new six-color, dye-based ink technology that delivers unsurpassed image quality and long-lasting results. Claria is tailor-made to fit the needs of the discerning photo enthusiast. It provides vivid, true-to-life colors with a wide color gamut that's ideal for printing your best shots. You only replace the actual color(s) you run out of - no more wasted ink!

An ethernet and power cable are also included along with some sample pieces of 4×6 photo paper. You are able to print as soon as it comes out of the box.
For those of you who homeschool, it prints ruled and graph paper - no need to buy a full pack or pad when you can print out what you need as you need it!
Click here to see a full list of the features of this printer
Click here to see a video showing the features of this printer
The only problem I think I'd have is keeping my teenaged daughter, who loves to take photos, from "hogging" this printer!
The SimpleMom Drawing has ended
Click here to reach Blissfully Domestic and enter their drawing
Estimated "street" price - $299
Monday, November 3, 2008
Powerful Words from an Abortion Survivor
Over 95% of the abortions performed in the world today are with women who simply do not want to have a baby. Less than 5% of abortions in the world today are for the reasons of rape, incest, or the mother's health at risk. Less than 1/10 of one percent of the abortions done in the world today are where the mother's life is at risk.
This is an utmost evil. Even in the more difficult 5% of instances (rape, incest, life of mother at risk), abortion should never be the first option. The life of a human being in the womb is worth every effort to allow a full term birth.
Even if the really may be the situation of trying to save a mother's life, we need to remember that God is a God of miracles. He can preserve the life of a mother and a child despite all the medical odds being against it.
It is never medically necessary to intentionally kill a baby inside the mother's womb. There is a big difference between trying to save a mother's life, resulting in a baby's death, and intentionally ending the life of a baby in a mother's womb.
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. Jeremiah 1:5
Science agrees with what we are told in the Bible. It tells us that human life begins at the time of conception. From the moment fertilization takes place, the child's genetic makeup is already complete. Its gender has already been determined, along with its height and hair, eye and skin color. The only thing the embryo needs to become a fully-functioning being is the time to grow and develop.
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance;in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. Psalm 139:13-16I recently read that since Roe v. Wade allowed abortion to be legal in our country, that over 40 MILLION babies have been killed.
These are powerful words from an abortion survivor, Gianna Jessen. She researched the abortionist (he had to sign her birth certificate so she knew his name) and he claims to have performed over 1,000,000 abortions and considers it to be his "passion".
Victorian Premier John Brumby says he's "pleased to see legislation to decriminalise abortion pass through the upper house." Outcome on October 10, 2008 was that abortion was decriminalized in Australia - Read the article here
The War on Abortion:
Abortion is a reprehensible thing. We have decided to play God and snuff out these innocent lives. We need to pray and cry out to Christ to forgive us for being so complacent about the mass murder of millions of babies. It is nothing short of infantacide.